Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Empty Space Inside - Article Three

This was my third article for the Westport News - Published 20 June 2008
The Empty Space Inside

Have you ever felt like there was something missing in your life, something you know you need and sometimes it seems like it is just about in your grasp but then in a brief moment it disappears again. You feel like there is something that you need to make life complete. Or as that intrepid little mouse Stuart Little put it in the movie of the same name when he was wondering about his real parents and where he had come from he told his adoptive parents the Littles “I have an empty space inside”. Here he was living in a house with a family who were able to give him everything that he needed he still felt that there was something in his life that was incomplete and he was searching for the thing that would fill that empty space.

As human beings I’m sure that we have all at some time or another felt that there has to be something more that we need in our lives to make it better and to make us feel complete. Many of us spend so much time searching for that perfect thing that will make us feel complete and whole. We think that if we could just be more confident, have more friends, be more popular or making more money, then everything will better. The problem is that so often the things that we try filling up our empty space with in reality are not really good for us and are things that will not make any difference to the empty space that we have.

There are plenty of things that people try to fill this empty space with. Some people try eating all the nicest food and end up overweight, they might think that alcohol might make them more likeable and confident but they end up just being drunk, using drugs might make people feel happy to begin with but that is just a false sense of wellbeing. When we look at being more popular or having more friends we end up being in destructive relationships that have the opposite effect and end up leaving us feeling less confident about our self worth than we did before. Working as many hours as we can to have money also is not the answer and neither is filling up every moment of every day with stuff to do. There are many other compulsive and addictive behaviours that can trap us into believing that we are filling up that empty space inside.

And so no matter how hard we try the emptiness still remains and we go on thinking that there has to be something to fill it.

I believe that all of us have within us something a friend of mine once called “A God shaped hole”. An empty space that only the love of God can fill. God is the answer to the empty space that we all have within us. He is the perfect person to fill the void that we all feel.
A relationship with our creator gives us everything we need to fill those areas in our lives where we think that there is something lacking. God is the friend to those who are lonely you do not need to be more confident, you do not need more money and you definitely do not need to prove your worth to him. As I have said previously he is pursuing your heart anyway because you are worth it.

All you need to do is to respond to His pursuit of your heart. Go to a church and find out how God through Jesus can fill the empty space that you have in your heart and you will find out that there is a “YOU” shaped hole in the heart of God because He is waiting ….. just for you.

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