I have finally worked out how to get the photos off my camera.... so for you pleasure and delight some of Emily's 3rd Birthday.... Enjoy.

This is all very exciting for the one getting to open the pressies. Christina looks a little depressed..... Never mind darling your birthday will come around far too quickly..

And what is behind door number 3.

Look at me I am mobile and I want to be off right now..... This big girl bike thing is all just a bit too serious tho and besides it is far to early in the morning to be smiling.......

At last I have escaped with my bike.... Where shall I go.... Maybe just around and around the teardrop at college...... This event was planned by the creche as a fundraiser..... A bike a thon... played into my hands quite nicely really..... They planned it on my actual birthday day. So I got to try out my new bike properly..... I even got to test the helmet when I fell off.

Now I am really mobile.... hehehe. Talking to my Granny Pat when she rang me to say Happy Birthday......
Well I hope you enjoyed these. I will try to add more photos as we go along. Some of them will be a little bit older than this but I have to catch you all up some how.
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