One of the more interesting things we did as part of our outtraining was to go to things that were going on in the community to try and raise the profile of The Salvation Army Kilbirnie in its area. One the things we went to was the Children's Day 'festival' that was held at Kilbirnie park. By the time we got there after church and lunch it had more or less finished even though according to advertising it still had 2 hours to go..... We did manage to get some cool photos though... Here they are..... I have to say at the moment most of the photos that we have taken lately are of the youngest member of the family.... We may have to do some things to fix that in future days......

think that it is called Henry... I assume all you
Thomas the Tank Engine fans will correct me if
I am wrong..... Perry looks thrilled to be
aboard... Not....

Emily had a blast on this merry go round thingy.. I thought that she would be frightened but no actually she had a blast...
One of the better things for your child to drink when they are at a festival.... Maybe not but that was about all that was available.... Emily certainly enjoyed it.....