Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Our mission should we choose to accept it

Well we have just completed our first week at Kilbirnie Corps... And our brief for the first few days from the incoming new officers (who by the way were on holiday until Thursday and then were unpacking for a couple of days) was to tidy up in a big way. While the building was clean there was a lot of STUFF just hanging around... Including an office that had not been used properly as an office for the past 3 years. So it had become the collection point for just about anything that did not have a proper home or the person did not know where the appropriate home was.

I have to say that this has been a huge undertaking... We have found financial records going back past the 7 year need to keep stuff.... Going back even past the 10 year mark. We found a box of 1 & 2c pieces that probably amount to $100.00 or so... Although I am told that they will be worth more as scrap than the money we would get from the reserve bank..

Around the hall we have found lots and lots of empty box that appear to have been kept 'just in case we may need them"

We have already made some changes that we thought would really rock the boat (with Peter and Cheryl's blessings.. (like moving the holiness table) but much to our surprise it appears that it was not as much of a big deal as we thought it would be. But then again there is still the Corps Council Meeting tonight......

Our two fold mission was also to start a letterbox drop to the community and this has been a lot of fun with 3 children in tow... Predictably the older two just loved it, putting things into peoples letterboxes has held a certain amount of appeal for them.. For the first two days Emily was content to sit in her pushchair and be pushed around but by the 3rd day she felt that she was good enough to push her own chair, with scary and almost dangerous results. Then she discovered that some of the letterboxes were about her height and that she could 'help' too. Well I think that in the end I was almost at the end of my tether after she had drop numerous brochures in the windy conditions (do not fear I did collect them all up - looking slightly silly running around the streets jumping on these silly things), her running over my toes with the pushchair, and then the arguments from her about which letterbox was hers to post into and which Christina could post.

We are really enjoying doing some practical things for a change and are definately looking forward to the next 3 months helping Peter and Cheryl settle into their new appointment.


Sarge said...

WHAT!!!! you moved the Holyness Table!!!! How, how, how dare you... what were you thinking... the corps will close... no one will come because they can't walk to the front to the holyness table... hang on a minute, no one did anyway... great thinking guys... good on ya... bet there more room now and you can really interact with the congregation... hope you get out of the Corps Council Meeting alive tho...

Corryn said...

Oh.... I can just see you running down the street after pamphlets. (brings to mind a certain nameless cadet who had to chase half a bush she 'pruned' off late last year!) You do bring a smile to my face, Netty. :)