Auntie Melissa and Emily. Emily could not last the night

Auntie Melissa and Emily. Emily could not last the night
The Hysterical (in laughter) Bride....
The Bridesmaid
Signing the Register
The 1st (and last) argument as a married couple. An annulment was asked for and granted on the spot
Even the names of each of the participants was a total fabrication. The Minister was Reverend Seymour Bigamy, (Andrew Moffatt), the Bride was Annette Tocatchem (Annette Bray), the Groom was Willougby Court (Steve Campkin).
Our vows also threw caution to the wind......
I Willoughby take you Annette to be my unlawful wedded partner.
To leave and deceive from this day forward, for worse and lots worse,
in officers salaries and student allowances,
in madness and dementia,
to dislike and argue bitterly with, till after this class do us part.
According to the Majors unholy timetable
and this I declare upon my honour with my fingers crossed.
I Annette take you Willoughby to be my unlawful wedded partner.
To throw out and abandon from this day forward,
in appointments and moves,
to never live in the same town as you,
in visa debt and gambling addiction,
with long hair and in baldness,
to slander and back stab, till after this class do us part.
According to the Majors unholy timetable
and this I declare upon my honour with my fingers crossed.
This and the other ceremonies made for a very enjoyable day out of something that could have been ridiculously boring and we all walked away with very sore sides and multiple tissues were used to wipe away tears of laughter..... I have to say it was a good laugh that proved to be medicine for the soul.....
No Mum I will not put my proper shoes on.
I have a tissue box for one shoe, a muesli bar box for another and a toothpaste box for my glove...
This kid will go far in the Wearable Recycled items clothing range.
Needless to say she was really upset when she discovered that the concrete had worn holes in the soles of her shoes......
Emily on the Beach at Whitianga. We found lots of shells to take to Creche.
Christina on the Beach. I really like this shot.
Patrick the explorer staking his claim on this part of the beach.
While we were in Hamilton we visited this great little place called Candyland. Where everybody who goes on the tour can make their own cool, large lollipop.
Emily had a bit of help to make hers and then did not want us to take a photo of her face.
Christina showing how big her mouth is.
She did redeem herself a little bit with this cute bit of peek a boo.
Ooops this was not quite the photo that she would want to have taken. I really like this picture of Emily though.
I just thought that they looked so cute sitting together on Emily's barbie couch watching Hi5.
Everybody dance and feel the joy
Everybody, every girl and every boy
Everybody dance and come alive
Because together we are better GIMME 5.
We all had a fantastic time making fools of ourselves. I think that there are times in our lives as adults when we need to make fools of ourselves just to keep us in touch with the children around us..... And also to remind us that God still uses us to impact people even when we make fools of ourselves....
Christina comes out in her second outfit... Again looking fantastic.... Although I think the blue looked much better... I still can't get over how tall she is looking....
They both had a lot of fun and the event raise a good amount of money towards 2 or 3 of the young people's trip to Kaivata for the tri territorial youth conference in Jan 08.
Emily had a blast on this merry go round thingy.. I thought that she would be frightened but no actually she had a blast...
One of the better things for your child to drink when they are at a festival.... Maybe not but that was about all that was available.... Emily certainly enjoyed it.....