Monday, November 26, 2007

The Wedding Ceremony

The date was November 9th and it was our class on Ceremonies..... you know enrollments, dedications, funerals and yes weddings.... This was to be a practical class... Each member of both sessions of cadets had a role to play. Perry had to conduct a funeral complete with grieving family (Lachie, Rochelle and Corryn).

Me ..... well .... somebody in their wisdom decided that I had to get married... to somebody else as Perry already had a part in this fabrication..... So I got 'married' to Steve. And Andrew was our marriage celebrant. Now we were all completely fed up with this whole role play thing and each team decided to make it as funny as it could possibly be and so our task was set to make a ceremony as real and yet as completely ridiculous as possible. Mission Impossible you might think..... Actually not.

Here are some of the photos from the aforementioned Wedding.... The bride is in red ... of course...

The Hysterical (in laughter) Bride....

The Groom (in Red) and the Best Man!?

The Bridesmaid

Signing the Register

The 1st (and last) argument as a married couple. An annulment was asked for and granted on the spot

Even the names of each of the participants was a total fabrication. The Minister was Reverend Seymour Bigamy, (Andrew Moffatt), the Bride was Annette Tocatchem (Annette Bray), the Groom was Willougby Court (Steve Campkin).

Our vows also threw caution to the wind......

I Willoughby take you Annette to be my unlawful wedded partner.
To leave and deceive from this day forward, for worse and lots worse,
in officers salaries and student allowances,
in madness and dementia,
to dislike and argue bitterly with, till after this class do us part.
According to the Majors unholy timetable
and this I declare upon my honour with my fingers crossed.

I Annette take you Willoughby to be my unlawful wedded partner.
To throw out and abandon from this day forward,
in appointments and moves,
to never live in the same town as you,
in visa debt and gambling addiction,
with long hair and in baldness,
to slander and back stab, till after this class do us part.
According to the Majors unholy timetable
and this I declare upon my honour with my fingers crossed.

This and the other ceremonies made for a very enjoyable day out of something that could have been ridiculously boring and we all walked away with very sore sides and multiple tissues were used to wipe away tears of laughter..... I have to say it was a good laugh that proved to be medicine for the soul.....

Friday, November 9, 2007

To laugh or not to Laugh

So this week has been fairly eventful....... Lots to Blog
Yesterday Patrick and Christina arrived home from school and Christina hands me a brown envelope that had been given to her by a teacher at school to give to Perry and I.....
I opened it to discover that it was a letter for Perry and I about the behaviour of Patrick at school.
The first laugh
They obviously did not trust him to bring it home to us, so what better Plan B than to give it to his 'big' sister...... who by the way will take every opporunity to 'tell' on her brother.
The second laugh
Once I read the contents I did not know whether to laugh, cry or just get mad....
And I quote verbatim from the letter:-
'Patrick was involved in a lunchtime incident on Tuesday 6 November where he was seen kissing Georgia on the lips. He has admitted to this involvement and said he was dared to do it as part of a game. he will be on Consequences during Thursday lunchtime along with the other students involved. We are alerting you to this formally as we consider this a serious incident and are sure you would want to know about it. Please feel free to discuss this further with us.
Regards *********** (Teachers Name).
I can understand to a degree that the school is trying to cover themselves on all counts in case some parent gets really upset about these playground goings on but all I could do was laugh... If this is the worst that Patrick is getting up to at school then I am reasonably happy.

Perry on the other hand was very proud of his son..... Kissing the girls already mate....
Patrick's explanation of the incident was that Georgia was the one that was dared to kiss him... And I guess that the only thing that a boy can do is to help in the accomplishing of such a dare.

It is time to be serimouse (oops serious)

We have just finished one of the more ridiculous and the funniest classes that we have had in recent times. (More about the actual class when I can get photos) My next move was to go to the library and start work on my pastoral care in life's crises assignment a 1500 words essay on what a pastor can do to help themselves in their task....
Something that is supposed to be at least a little bit serious....
Do you think that I can actually get back into the serious frame of mind.....
Absolutely not....
My most recent sentence reads like this
'if they are not careful and watchful these things can sneak up and bite them'
I think that I need to change that last little bit....
Things could go drastically downhill from here I think. This is just in the introduction....
I still have 1420 words to go.